Monday, September 5, 2011

'Daddy daddy, that's Dora!'

I was at the shampoo aisle, when a little boy behind me caught my attention. He was sitting in the trolley, his head turned one hundred and twenty degrees, and his index finger repeatedly pointing to the toothbrush rack. 'Daddy daddy, that's Dora!' he kept saying. He was so fixated on the toothbrush, and would not stop pointing to the "Dowa toothbrush!" until he got his dad's acknowledgment.

It wasn't soon after that he started pointing to a hair brush, and left the toothbrush entirely. It's amazing how kids can remain so fixated on something, but within a blink of an eye, their attention can switch entirely to something else. Sometimes we're not any different, centering our attention on one thing and becoming attached to it, but finding it hard to 'switch' to something else. That's the difficult part.

Regardless, watching the young man swing his head at his daddy, and being ever so persistent until he captured his daddy's attention, my heart just couldn't help it but go all warm and leap a little.

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